About Us
The League of Friends of the Kent & Canterbury Hospital was founded in 1953 with the stated purpose “to relieve sickness and to preserve good health for the public by supporting the work of the Kent & Canterbury Hospital”. Even in those early days of the NHS, it was clear that not all patient needs could be met by the Welfare State and the League was formed to help provide some of what was missing.
Since its foundation, the League has contributed over £8.5 million to the hospital. This money has enabled purchases of sophisticated high-tech equipment, costing tens of thousands of pounds, as well as a wide variety of smaller medical items, furniture and fittings. For list of gifts, click here.
In addition to fundraising, the League is responsible for the three shop outlets in the hospital and these are run by a mixture of volunteers and paid staff. The shops provide a valuable service for the patients, visitors and staff and the profit that is made from their sales is the single largest year-on-year source of income for the League, aside from legacies, which are unpredictable. Other services provided by the League include a shops trolley and mobile library service to all wards throughout the hospital. Our Stamps & Coins Service continues to thrive and provides valuable funds through auctions. Last but by no means least, a large joint Summer Fair with the hospital staff is held annually in August, in the hospital grounds. The date for your diaries this year is Saturday 17 August, 11am at the Hospital, with lots of new stalls and activities for children - be sure to come along and support your local hospital.
Take a look at how we are organised